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Sounds That Animals Make
20 words
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Sounds That Animals Make
20 words
Simba hunguruma; wao huenda, "Roaaaar!"
Lions roar; they go, "Roaaaar!"
Mbwa hubweka; wao huenda, "Bow wow."
Dogs bark; they go, "Bow wow."
Paka husema; wao huenda, "Meow meow."
Cats meow; they go, "Meow meow."
Ng'ombe moo; wao huenda, "Mooooo."
Cows moo; they go, "Mooooo."
Nguruwe hukoroma; wao huenda, "Oink."
Pigs snort; they go, "Oink."
Mbuzi hubaa; wao huenda, "Meehhhhh."
Sheeps baa; they go, "Meehhhhh."
Nyuki hubazi; wao huenda, "Bzzzzzzzzz."
Bees buzz; they go, "Bzzzzzzzzz."
Ndege huchapu; wao huenda, "Tweet tweet."
Birds chirp; they go, "Tweet tweet."
Jogoo huwika; wao huenda, "kuku--kuuu-kuu!"
Roosters crow; they go, "Cock-a-doodle-doo!"
Punda hubure; wao huenda, "Hee-haw."
Donkeys bray; they go, "Hee-haw."
Farasi hihwini; wao huenda, "Neighhh."
Horses whinny; they go, "Neighhh."
Bata hukuaki; wao huenda, "kuaki kuaki."
Ducks quack; they go, "Quack quack."
Vyura hukroki; wao huenda, "Ribbit!"
Frogs croak; they go, "Ribbit!"
Njiwa hukuu; wao huenda, "kuu"
Pigeons coo; they go, "Coo."
Panya husikuiki; wao huenda, "Skueeeeeki!"
Mice squeak; they go, "Squeeeeek!"
Batamzinga hugobo; wao huenda, "Gobo, gobo."
Turkeys gobble; they go, "Gobble, gobble."
Bundi huhuti; wao huenda, "Hooooo!"
Owls hoot; they go, "Hooooo!"
Vifaranga hupipu; wao huenda, "Pipu!"
Chicks peep; they go, "Peep!"
Mbwa mwitu huholi; wao huenda, "Awoooooo!"
Wolves howl; they go, "Awoooooo!"
Nyoka huhisi wao huenda, "Ssssssss."
Snakes hiss; they go, "Ssssssss."